
This module defined the naghelp Host object.

The Host object will store all informations about the equipment to monitor. It could be for exemple :

  • The hostname
  • Host IP address
  • The user login
  • The user password
  • The snmp community

One can add some additional data during the plugin execution, they will be persistent accross all plugin executions (plugin objects call save_data() and load_data() methods). This is useful for :

  • Counters
  • Gauges
  • Timestamps
  • Flags

Informations come from 3 sources in this order :

  • From a database ( text file, sqlite, mysql … )
  • From environment variables
  • From command line

Informations from command line have priority over environment vars which have priority over those from database.

class naghelp.Host(plugin)

Contains equipment informations

Host object is a dict with some additional methods.

Parameters:plugin (Plugin) – The plugin object that is used to monitor the equipment

Informations can be accessed and modified by 2 ways :

  • By attribute
  • By Index

To save and load custom data, one could do a save_data() and load_data() but this is automatically done by the plugin itself (see

Examples :

>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTNAME']='host_to_be_monitored'
>>> plugin = ActivePlugin()
>>> host = Host(plugin)
>>> print
>>> host.my_custom_data = 'last check time'
>>> print host.my_custom_data
last check time
>>> print host['my_custom_data']
last check time
>>> host.save_data()
>>> host._get_persistent_filename()
>>> print open(host._get_persistent_filename()).read() 
    "name": "host_to_be_monitored",
    "my_custom_data": "last check time"
>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTNAME']='host_to_be_monitored'
>>> plugin = ActivePlugin()
>>> host = Host(plugin)
>>> print host.my_custom_data

>>> host.load_data()
>>> print host.my_custom_data
last check time

Returns a dict for the environment variable to extract

The keys are the environment variables to extract, the values are the attribute name to use for the Host object.

Only a few environment variables are automatically extracted, they are renamed when saved into Host object :

Environment Variables Stored as

Get host informations from database

Getting informations from a database is optionnal. If needed, it is the developer responsibility to subclass Host class and redefine the method _get_params_from_db(hostname) that returns a dict with informations about hostname. In this method, the developer must also load persistent data that may come from a same cache file as the database. The default behaviour for this method is only to load persistent data from a database flat file (.json).

Parameters:hostname (str) – The name of the equipment as declared in Nagios configuration files.
Returns:A dictionary that contains equipment informations AND persistent data merged.
Return type:dict


Here is an example of _get_params_from_db() override where informations about a monitored host are stored in a json file located at DB_JSON_FILE

class MonitoredHost(Host):
    def _get_params_from_db(self,hostname):
        # The first step MUST be to read the persistent data file ( = cache file )
        params = self._plugin.load_data(self._get_persistent_filename()) or DictExt()

        # Check whether the database file has changed
        db_file_modif_time = int(os.path.getmtime(DB_JSON_FILE))
        if db_file_modif_time == params['db_file_modif_time']:
            # if not, return the cached data
            return params

        # If database file has changed :
        db = json.load(open(DB_JSON_FILE))
        # find hostname in db :
        for h in db.monitored_hosts:
            if h['datas']['hostname'] == hostname:
                # merge the new data into the persistent data dict (will be cached)
                params['db_file_modif_time'] = db_file_modif_time
                params['name'] = params.get('hostname','noname')
                return params
        return params


You can do about the same for SQlite or MySQL, do not forget to load persistent data file as a first step and merge data from database after. Like the above example, you can use the persistent data json file as a cache for your database. By this way, persistent data AND database data are saved in the same file within a single operation. The dictionary returned by this method will be saved automatically by the method as persistent data.


Get the full path for the persisten .json file

It uses persistent_filename_pattern to get the file pattern, and apply the hostname to build the full path.


Log Host informations for debug


To see debug on python console, call naghelp.activate_debug()

get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.

load data to the Host object

That is from database and/or persistent file then from environment variables and then from command line.

persistent_filename_pattern = '/tmp/naghelp/%s_persistent_data.json'

Default persistent .json file path pattern (note the %s that will be replaced by the hostname)


Save data to a persistent place

It actually saves the whole dict into a .json file. This is automatically called by the method.

to_list(lst, defvalue='-')

Formats a list of strings with Host informations

It works like to_str() except that the input is a list of strings : This useful when a text has been splitted into lines.

  • str (str) – A format string
  • defvalue (str) – String to display when a data is not available

The list with formatted string

Return type:



>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTNAME']='host_to_be_monitored'
>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS']=''
>>> plugin = ActivePlugin()
>>> host = Host(plugin)
>>> host.load_data()
>>> lst = ['{name} as got IP={ip} and custom data "{my_custom_data}"',
... 'Not available data are replaced by a dash: {other_data}']
>>> print host.to_list(lst)  
[u'host_to_be_monitored as got IP= and custom data "last check time"',
'Not available data are replaced by a dash: -']


As you noticed, NAGIOS_HOSTNAME environment variable is stored as name in Host object and NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS as ip. my_custom_data is a persistent data that has been automatically loaded because set into a previous example.

to_str(str, defvalue='-')

Formats a string with Host informations

Not available data are replaced by a dash

  • str (str) – A format string
  • defvalue (str) – String to display when a data is not available

the formatted string

Return type:



>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTNAME']='host_to_be_monitored'
>>> os.environ['NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS']=''
>>> plugin = ActivePlugin()
>>> host = Host(plugin)
>>> host.load_data()
>>> print host.to_str('{name} as got IP={ip} and custom data "{my_custom_data}"')
host_to_be_monitored as got IP= and custom data "last check time"
>>> print host.to_str('Not available data are replaced by a dash: {other_data}')
Not available data are replaced by a dash: -
>>> print host.to_str('Or by whatever you want: {other_data}','N/A')
Or by whatever you want: N/A


As you noticed, NAGIOS_HOSTNAME environment variable is stored as name in Host object and NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS as ip. my_custom_data is a persistent data that has been automatically loaded because set into a previous example.